January 29, 2011

Welcome to our blog!

Welcome to our online diary of our Group Study Exchange in South Korea! We intent to write posts as often as possible about our adventures, be it vocational or cultural. Our readers are most welcome to write comments to our posts.

With just over a month before take-off we are all busy preparing for the trip. Mette and Lotte are working on our presentation and Kim and I (Elisabeth) are preparing a leaflet to hand out. Lone is establishing contact with photograpers, embassys, sponsors etc. as well as researching air tickets, insurance etc. Lots to look into. So far we have held meetings at Skovshoved Hotel and at Mette's and Elisabeth's homes. It is good to see how we all live – and a way of getting to know each other. One of our first meetings was held in a fabulous Korean restaurant – Miga in Gl. Kongevej – where we sampled the mouthwatering goodies that awaits us once we reach our destination.