April 04, 2011

Midterm break in Seoul

About to board the KTX bound for Seoul. We travelled with as much as 302 km per hour!

Elisabeth with South Korean soldier in Panmunjeon.

Bridge of no return.
Half of our GSE program has now gone, and it has gone quickly. Time flies when you're having fun, eh.
Last night we returned to Jinju after a great weekend in Seoul, which we all thoroughly enjoyed. For Saturday we had previously booked a tour with the American army to the Demilitarized Zone (DMZ). Bill Clinton was not far off when he claimed it was the scarriest place of Earth! It was extremely interesting to see, and we were taken to a number of places in the area, ie the Joint Security Area (JSA), the place where talks between the parties are sometimes held, in buildings split between the North and the South and soldiers from both sides eyeing each other, more than ready for combat in their Martial Art positions. We also saw the Bridge of no Return and one of the four (discovered so far) tunnels dug by the North - a slightly claustrofobic experience to walk in! At one of the observatories we had a peek into North Korea and as our last stop we visited the shiny new and very flash Dorasan trainstation meant to connect the two sides but due to circumstances were not in use, apart from very few passengers with special permit.
Sunday was spend individually visiting the War Memorial, Folk Museum, market, Seoul Tower and other things before we boarded the express bus back to Jinju. / Elisabeth

Seoul by night.

1 comment:

  1. At last, your guys have visited DMZ site, where our tragic legacy left behind by the war. we have been invaded numerous times by the outskirts for 5,000 years. but Korean have revived as we are... Nowadays, Japan insists on having our small island, DOKDO, which belongs to Korean own territory from the beginning of Korea peninsula as his territory. what insane people they are!
